I'm Nate and I decided to start a blog because it gives me a chance to collect my thoughts in an organized fashion and an opportunity to work on my informal writing. I've had to write a few blogs for work, and that got me interested. I also really miss writing papers for school. If anyone enjoys reading my blog or wants to comment and enter the discussion that's also great.
I'm currently working at Jubilee USA as part of a year with the Lutheran Volunteer Corps. I called it the Catholic Lutheran to reflect the way I feel about the two churches. I grew up in an ELCA church but I have immense respect for the Catholic Church, and really appreciate the contributions of Catholic theologians, particularly in the field of ethics. I'm also marrying into the Catholic Church, though I do not plan to convert.
Though I still consider myself a Lutheran I wanted to acknowledge the way my experience in the Catholic Church has shaped me. A lot of my posts will be about one of the two church bodies and most of the rest will be reflections on theology that are shaped by my background in the Catholic and Lutheran churches. I may be a Lutheran, but I think I'm a Catholic Lutheran.
As a final note, this is not a personal blog or a place where I'll be writing about my private life. Though events in my life may trigger certain reflections on theological and Biblical material the blog will be about theology and current events.
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